The island Tromsø lies in a sea of stories. With theatre we convey local knowledge of people, society and history. Our actors has a great joy in finding the local knowledge and bringing it to life in our performances and walks.
Through our theatre we brings life to happenings and people, through our walks we tel stories about the city the way it was and has become. In our walks the actual and fictional nourishes each others stories, what may seem distant and far away, becomes near and personal.
What does Sadio Nor Theatre mean?
Sadio was the family name of Nina’s great grand father, a finnish kven that wandered to Finnmark.
Nor is playing with the fact that we are in the north.
Theatre is to make it clear what we are doing.
Our employees
Klaus Løkholm Bergli
+47 90 02 68 74
I work to make the meeting between the audience, the actor and the stories to be as near and simple as possible.
Klaus Løkholm Bergli (1976) is a permanent employee in Sadio Nor Theater, where he communicates local knowledge of people, society and history. Klaus is a graduate of The Commedia School in Copenhagen, a Lecoq-based school. After graduating, he has worked freelance for several years, within theater and circus theater, both in Norway and in Italy. Since 2010 he has been a permanent employee in Sadio Nor Theater. Klaus’s physically based education is clearly expressed when he plays, both through character and mask playing.
Nina Rosenlund
+47 48 04 99 24
I enjoy to create classical characters and dramaturgy, which I perform in untraditional places.
Nina Rosenlund (1977) is a permanent employee in Sadio Nor Theater, where she communicates local knowledge of people, society and history. Nina is educated at the acting line on Westerdals Oslo Act (Former Nordic Institute for Stage and Studio) in 2005. After a year as a freelancer, she started Sadio Nor Theater in 2007. She often creates classic characters and dramaturgy, which she performs in untraditional places. The pieces are often in the form of walking theater where the audience moves with the actors through the city. Nina works to ensure that communication with the audience is credible and clear in the characters and the pieces she presents.
Download Nina Rosenlund’s CV in English
See article about Nina in Her High Norths archive heere – password to the archive is “showarchive”.
Rigmor Høgseth
+47 95 28 07 75
The last 20 years I have been working as a sales manager and project manager at the information and exploration centre Polaria. I have a great interest in art and have been in charge of the art exhibitions in the cafe at Polaria.
Read moreThe last 20 years I have been working as a sales manager and project manager at the information and exploration centre Polaria. A lot of the time has gone to create a good financial base for running Polaria. As project manager I have been in charge og the exhibitions. Through my work at Polaria knowledge tourism and culturisme has been important focus areas for me. I have a great interest in art and have been in charge of the art exhibitions in the cafe at Polaria. In a two year period I cooperated with Sadio Nor Theatre in the project “Our synthetic world”. I have education in economics from BI Norwegian Business School.